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Shani Yantra
ShaniYantra Gold Polished (Energized) Shani Yantra Saturn or Shani Bhagawan hasalways been looked at with awe, inspiration and fear. He is the"KARMAKARAKA", one who bestows on us the fruits of our previous birthkarmas. Shani Yantra is for the appeasement of the planet Saturn. It is used topropitiate an afflicted Shani and achieve Rajayoga through complete blessingsof Shani. When Saturn is malefic in a horoscope, in transit or causes Sadesathi("ELARATA SHANI" (known as SADE SAATHI in North India - the seven anda half evil year cycle of Saturn) the use of Shani Yantra is very beneficial.It is very useful when one feels depressed. It reduces the evils such asbankruptcy, litigation, penury, injustice, obstacles, delays and dangerousailments. It indicates success in worldly affairs and in business. A person canattain any heights. It should be installed on any Saturday after sunset (around7pm and before 9 pm) after chanting the mantra: SHAM SHANAISCHARAYAI'NAMAH" 8 times facing NORTH
Price : 501